How to protect employee concentration in times of flexible working
With 82% of managers concerned about remote working productivity, protect the concentration of your Flexible working teams with these tips.
While it’s been a pain point for years, our concentration is under added strain during these disrupted times. To protect our concentration, it’s especially important to be able to work from wherever we’re most productive.
In 2020 we had to take our work home, and stay home, in a transition that happened practically overnight. This change introduced an entirely new set of challenges, as our concentration was taxed by the boundaries between our home and working lives becoming blurred. One piece of research tracking server activity suggests the change has seen us working for up to 3 hours longer each day.
Looking forward, we know that upwards of 78% of businesses are reconfiguring their offices spaces, as the world reacts to local guidance and begins to slowly return to work. More than half the CFOs in a global survey said they were considering permanent WFH setups for the people whose jobs allowed it.
“Looking forward, we know that upwards of 78% of businesses are reconfiguring their office spaces, as the world reacts to local guidance and begins to slowly return to work”
How to protect your team’s concentration: Communicate expectations
Make sure you communicate any specific expectations to your team, within the broader guidelines issued by your company. This gives them the power to choose the spaces in which they can concentrate best, and the flexibility to find routines that fit with their work-life balance.
Give your teams the right technology
Don’t forget that this is a stressful time for many, and keeping your teams connected is essential. Make sure they have access to the right personal technology and software to be able to work from anywhere, with devices that allow them to communicate, no matter where they are.
Beyond keeping them connected, personal tools such as headsets are one of the most effective ways to block out background noise, which will to boost their concentration and reduce distractions.
Helping your teams to create new habits around phased and rotated work is challenging but getting the basics right doesn’t have to be. 73% of organizations believe that flexible working will make their company better in the long run, but getting it right is going to be key. With clear communication and supporting technology, businesses can foster a resilient workforce culture that enhances productivity and ensures that they continue to succeed in the new normal.
Trenic Industries
Trenic is a specialist supplier of communication solutions that integrate across multiple devices and platforms, including headsets, audio and video conferencing, VoIP, cordless telephony solutions and services, all backed by a passion for customer service and support. For more information visit
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